Tuesday, December 16, 2008

Doug Fleury Profile

I have nearly 20 years of experience in the rental industry, encompassing various management positions throughout the United States.

While most of my technical knowledge is acquired from hands-on experience, my corporate management knowledge is gained originally through formal education.

I am proud to have served in the U.S. Naval Reserve learning discipline and respect; qualities I find most beneficial personally and professionally.

My most recent employment was with Rebel Rents, Inc., the largest independent company in Southern California. I was with them for the last seven (7) years as a member of the Senior Management Team overseeing the Risk, Marketing and Fleet departments, among other responsibilities.

With my vast experience in and knowledge of the rental industry, I have been asked to contribute my thoughts to many published articles including the ARA’s Rental Management Magazine, Equipment Today and Construction Today, to name a few.

In addition to published articles, I have also been involved in a variety of committees with the American Rental Association (ARA) such as the Construction and Industrial Services Special Interest Group (SIG) for 2007 and 2008 and both the California and National Legislative Caucuses that affect the rental industry in many different levels. I also took part in the John Deere Advisory Board during the 2008 ARA National Convention in Las Vegas along with being ARA “Construction U” Panelist Speaker.

Wednesday, October 15, 2008

OSHA QuickCards Article

Doug Fleury
Rebel Rents
42188 Winchester Road
Temecula, CA 92590
Cell 714-719-0019

OSHA QuickCards

The construction industry is all too familiar with job safety hazards. Surrounded by all the typically huge equipment they need to get their projects done, it is imperative that safety standards are practiced to prevent injuries. While it is usually assumed that men and women on jobsites are well-trained and versed on operating these heavy and complicated machineries that is not always the case. Operators are only human and are subject to err from time to time, or worse, forget some critical detail, which could have detrimental consequences. There is no sure-proof way to guarantee safety; one can only seek out avenues that would help prevent incidents.

Certainly, safety information can be obtained from many different sources. Rebel Rents have always found their Workers’ Comp Insurance carrier to be a good starting point. There is also Lab Safety Supply, a catalog and internet based company specializing in safety products and printed materials. However, the best source so far has been the Occupational Safety and Hazard Administration (OSHA) website. This website is the ultimate source of support for safety and health concerns in the workplace. Not only are the services from this website free to the public and offer a vast array of information, it is also the same website that carries information that keeps employers in compliance with state mandates. Here is where Rebel Rents found the OSHA QuickCards. These are 1 - 2 pages quick reference guides on various topics of safety concerns, and many come in both English and Spanish versions, coupled with illustrations. These QuickCards are free and downloadable directly from the OSHA website.

Rebel Rents is a Southern California based equipment rental company, which prides itself in advocating safety to its employees and its customers alike, did just that. They adopted the OSHA QuickCards, downloading a select number of topics that are most suitable for their industry, with the intent of using them as a means to inform and train those who rent and operate their equipment. Taking in consideration where the equipment is being used under normal circumstances, Rebel thought it was a good idea to incorporate all the material into one, easily accessible booklet.

The idea is proving to be a very good one. Many colleagues have requested copies of the booklet, considering implementing a similar idea within their companies. It’s great because it really serves more than one purpose. It provides safety guidelines which, if adhered to, will inevitably result in fewer injuries. It also serves as a reminder for complying with OSHA’s directives. In addition, Rebel believes this makes for a great marketing tool. This informative booklet can be used as an ice breaker for prospective customers, and it could also be used to reinforce bonds with existing customers.

The OSHA QuickCards booklet is more efficient than a flyer for a marketing instrument because it says much about the company. It is designed to let the recipient know just how dedicated Rebel is when it comes to the safety of our employees and our customers. Many of our customers have found it very useful, and have asked for multiple copies to be distributed to their own staff, and incorporated into their own safety programs.

Businesses, not only in the equipment rental industry, face various challenges in their daily operations, to be sure; one most challenging is keeping their employees out of harm’s way. Take a moment to visit OSHA’s website and get much needed relief on how to avoid certain pitfalls. You might just find it useful, and be thankful for it. Rebel Rents did. It could save you money. If not, at least it didn’t cost you a dime.

For more information about OSHA QuickCards, please visit their website at http://www.osha.gov/.

For information on Rebel Rents, Inc., go to their website at http://www.rebelrents.com/

Friday, June 13, 2008

2008 ARA Washington Caucus

Washington Caucus

Building from our state event, the ARA of California was well-represented at the ARA-sponsored 2008 National Legislative Caucus held in Washington D.C., April 28-30. Seven members from California participated, with more than 80 ARA members from 32 state associations representing the rental industry.

The Caucus was an effective way to share ARA’s stance on issues affecting rental in California and nationally. This key event included extending the ARA and ARA of CA policy messages to individual California Congressional members. California has 55 members representing our state in both houses of Congress.

“It is critical that California be involved in ARA’s caucus and go to Washington D.C. to visit our national representatives,” said Steve Anthony, American Rentals, Stockton, ARA of CA president. “We need to keep California and national industry interests top of mind. It’s important that we continue to build relationships with the members and their staff, but also take the time to educate new staff about our industry and tell them how the policies they promote affect our businesses.” In addition to Anthony, others representing California were: Chris Smith, Cresco Equipment Rentals, Livermore; Bridget Doherty, Cal-West Rentals, Petaluma; Patricia Sarris, A Party Center, San Rafael; Doug Fleury, Rebel Rents, Temecula; Brian Maginnis, American Rentals, Long Beach; and ARA Region Nine Director Ted Cook, Ventura Rental Center, Ventura. Don Cruikshank served as the ARA of California’s legislative chairman and coordinated many of the events, but due to unforeseen family concerns, wasn’t able to attend.
The ARA of California was one of 16 state associations that helped financially sponsor the national caucus.

ARA of California's 2008 Legislative Day

California Caucus

ARA of California's 2008 Legislative Day a success!

Members of the ARA of California met March 11 in Sacramento to participate in the second annual Legislative Day. Thirteen ARACA made 39 visits to state Senate and Assembly members’ offices.

The main issue discussed was S.B. 1539 introduced by Sen. Ron Calderon, D-Montebello. This bill would revise the statutory requirements for the provision of meal periods for hourly employees — meal period disputes currently make up 40 percent of all California class-action lawsuits and approximately half of all employment-related lawsuits filed in California each year. The ARA of California urges you to look for more information on S.B. 1539 and support its passage.

Marti Fisher, California Chamber of Commerce’s policy advocate for labor and employment, health care and small business, briefed the group before legislative meetings. ARA of California members informed legislators about the state and national rental industries’ positive impact on California’s economy. The group had lunch with Mike Prosio, chief deputy for legislative affairs, office of Gov. Arnold Schwarzenegger. ARA members had a roundtable discussion with him on the proposed meal and rest period law along with other issues facing rental businesses in California.

We all had the opportunity to address other rental industry concerns with our representatives and, perhaps most importantly, thank them for their support last year in helping push the Air Resources board staff to expedite registrations under the Portable Equipment Registration Program (PERP). Those expedited rules are a major victory for this association and California’s rental industry.

Don Cruikshank coordinated Legislative Day, in conjunction with Scott Sadler and Emily Pappas of Lehman, Kelly, Sadler & O’Keefe, ARA of California’s lobbying firm in Sacramento. Members attending were Chris Smith, Sherri Creighton, Doug Fleury, Don Cruikshank, Ted and Suzette Cook, Bridget Doherty, Peter Maginnis, Brian Maginnis, Patricia Sarris, Ken de Vries, Chip Arenchild and Steve Anthony. John McClelland from ARA also joined us.

Friday, May 9, 2008

ARA Washington DC National Legislative Caucus 2008

Rental Industry Travels to Washington

Recently, a group of more than 80 American Rental Association (ARA) members from 32 states participated in the association's annual National Legislative Caucus in Washington, DC. Doug Fleury from Rebel's corporate office was part of the California committee representing the political concerns of the rental industry to their U.S. Senators and Representatives.

The focus of this year's ARA Legislative agenda includes affordable, small business health care insurance, estate taxes and the H-2B visa program. John McClelland, ARA's Vice President for government affairs, complimented this year's attendees for being very well prepared for their meetings; doing their homework on the issues being raised at this caucus.

Doug's schedule was a hectic one, to be sure. He met with eight Congressman/Congresswoman and/or their Legislative Assistants or Directors on Capitol Hill during the three days of caucus. However busy, leave it to Doug to still manage to visit many of the nation's capital's historic sites.

Once again, Rebel is proud to have Doug Fleury representing Rebel's and many other rental companies' concerns on business issues in Washington DC.

Thursday, April 17, 2008

ARA Shared Interest Group Meeting 2008

Doug Fleury, the man with many hats, just got back from Moline, Il after attending this year's Construction and Industrial Services Shared Interest Group (SIG). Once a year, the American Rental Association (ARA) gathers a number of its members from different regions throughout the nation. They get together to advise the ARA on matters relevant to this segment of the rental industry.The meeting was held at ARA's domain within the John Deere community on April 9 & 10. The discussion included topics of education, training, safety initiatives, member recruitment/retention, and consumer advertising and marketing. They also touched on the activity in state, local and provincial association initiatives that affect the industry.

Since Rebel is an avid advocate of safety, and has been actively creating awareness to the community it serves, Doug had plenty to share. Our OSHA booklets were a big hit with the other members of this committee, and many asked for a copy to share and even incorporate with their companies' programs.On the marketing aspects of the business, Doug also shared our grassroots approach of late; specifically our most recent campaign involving the Real Estate professionals. The members were equally impressed and many showed interest in doing something similar.

It was a hectic, but productive trip for Doug. Rebel is proud to be a contributing member of the ARA.

Monday, March 17, 2008

ARA of California Caucus 2008

The American Rental Association of California recently held their Second Annual Lobby Day in Sacramento. This year, Doug Fleury was invited to participate, and he gladly obliged. He was among thirteen members of the ARA of California representatives who visited with 39 State Senate and Assembly members' offices throughout the day on March 11th. Doug was scheduled to meet with seven of the 39. The purpose of the caucus was to appeal issues that affect the rental business and other businesses in California to the state representatives in person.

Lobby day participants attended a lunch with a member of Gov. Schwarzenegger's staff, where some attendees took the opportunity to thank them for helping push Air Resources Board staff to expedite registrations under the Portable Eequipment Registration Program. The expedited rules were a big victory that resulted from the first ARA of California lobby day in March 2007.

This was a great experience for Doug and Rebel Rents. To be involved in an organization that can affect laws is a great honor and privilege. This is only the beginning. Doug will be heading out to Washington D.C. next.

Wednesday, March 5, 2008

ARA Rental Show 2008

The ARA's The Rental Show just finished it's yearly run; this time it was held in the Entertainment Capital of the World, glitzy Las Vegas! As usual, Rebel's very own Doug Fleury was in attendance even before the exhibits opened.

The ARA Construction U held a seminar on Sunday, February 10th, which Doug's participation was requested. Doug willingly obliged, speaking on "Rewarding and Keeping Good Employees." He was also invited to participate in John Deere's Advisory Council Meeting, which occurred the following day, the 11th.

On the 12th, he received the President's Image Award won by El Cajon "in recognition of major building improvement that promotes a professional image and enhance the stature of the entire rental industry." This was a major achievement for Rebel as only 10 awards are given annually on this category nationwide.

The final leg of this trip was the Caucus orientation meeting hosted by the Government Affairs Committee. Its purpose was to brief those who will be participating in the ARA 2008 National Legislative Caucus in April (in D.C.) of what to expect which Doug will be attending.

This was certainly a very productive show for Mr. Fleury. He received much praise for the success of his turn in the Construction U Seminar. Surely, the exposure Rebel is getting for contributing to major causes of the ARA will bring us well deserved recognition with our peers and with the other players in the rental industry. This will also, hopefully, earn us more business from contractors looking to work with a reputable and well respected rental company.

Thursday, February 28, 2008

Rebel Rents Audit

Risk Is Under Control

In January of 2008, Rebel received a visit from an American Alliance Risk Management Consultant, on behalf of AIG, Rebel's workers' compensation insurance carrier. The visit is an annual ritual, to perform loss control survey; obtaining information regarding the scope of Rebel operations, review and discuss workers' compensation loss exposures and controls, and review the safety and training programs in place to reduce risk factors on the job.Because Rebel maintains a perpetual updating of its safety training and program implementations, the survey went well with only a few minor recommendations. Doug Fleury, the Risk Manager, is instrumental in putting all these programs in place.

The consultant was impressed by the innovative programs Rebel was implementing in creating safety awareness within its organization, as well as its valued customers. He also noted that Rebel is OSHA compliant.Here's to another successful inspection! At Rebel, we make sure we are always doing everything necessary to keep our most valuable assets safe: our team members. Congratulations on a job well done.

Monday, February 18, 2008

ARA Convention 2008 - Contstructuion U

ARA Convention 2008 - Construction U Seminars Range from Tax Strategies to Safety Management

About 200 attendees learned about such topics as tax strategies, how to hire and train the ideal employee, how to build a sales team, safety management and new technology at this year’s Construction U pre-show workshop at the Mandalay Bay Convention Center on Sunday, Feb. 10.

Garrison Wynn started the day with his opening session, “The Truth About Success: Being the Best vs. Being Consistently Chosen,” setting the stage for the full day of educational seminars.
“People do not choose the best, but what they are most comfortable with,” Wynn told the breakfast crowd.

Wynn, a certified speaking professional (CSP), runs his own company, Wynn Solutions, based in Houston, and also spoke about ways the top 1 percent of companies usually handle different situations to be more successful than others.

“They never use the word ‘wrong,’ but say things like, ‘I disagree, but I’m willing to listen to what you say.’ You might find out you are in agreement because you listen or least you know why you think they are wrong because you listened. It’s the beginning of trust,” Wynn said.
Wynn said his company also studied trust from more than five years, finding that there are people who might know you five years and not trust you while other may know you for five minutes, but already trust you. This, he said, has to with compassion and competence.
“They believe you care about them and care about your job. If they believe that, they trust you. If people feel they were heard and listened to, they will trust you and then choose you over others. Don’t kid yourselves about the power of making people feel heard,” Wynn said.
Construction U morning sessions included a financial management session, “Understanding Financial Statements and Tax Strategies,” given by Bart Basi from the Center for Financial, Legal and Tax Planning in Marion, Ill.

Basi outlined the history of accounting, leading into a discussion about balance sheets, income statements, cash flow, accounts receivable, inventory, ratios and more. He demonstrated in his examples, why the most commonly used system of accounting, which is designed for publicly held companies, is not the best system to use for most privately held companies.

In the human resources management session, “How to Interview, Hire and Train the Ideal Employee,” speakers Doug Fleury from Rebel Rents in Temecula, Calif., and Carl Arriola from Tate Rents in Boise, Idaho, outlined some of their respective companies’ strategies.

Arriola talked about the types of questions to ask potential employees in pre-interviews, such as, “Can you work weekends?” and “Is your driver’s license clean?” and examples of those to use in the interview including, “Why should I hire you for this position?” and “Tell me about a difficult customer or situation you have had and how you handled it?” to better gauge an applicant demeanor and ability to function in a team environment.

He also said companies should be able to outline its business policies, procedures and culture and then support its philosophy and values to be successful in hiring and training new employees.

Fleury added that companies need to communicate through a variety of efforts, including employee newsletters and Web sites. He also offered examples of different types of inexpensive reward and recognition programs that can help keep employees motivated.

Friday, February 1, 2008

John Deere Rental Advisory Board

John Deere Construction & Forestry Company
1515 5th Avenue
Moline, IL 61265

January 3, 2008

Doug Fleury
Rebel Equipment Rentals
42188 Winchester Rd.
Temecula, CA 92590

John Deere will continue feedback from customers through its Rental Advisory Council. We would like you to be on that council in 2008. We value input from important customers like you.

We would like to take this opportunity to invite you to our next Rental Advisory Council meeting Febuary 11th at the American Rental Association Show in Las Vegas.

During this meeting, we will discuss the current rental market, estimates for 2008 and what John Deere can do to help improve your business.

We look forward to working with you in 2008.

John Deere Marketing Department

Wednesday, January 16, 2008

ARA Article Showing Appreciation 1-08

Showing appreciation


Whitney Carnahan is features editor for Rental Management, Moline, Ill. She can be reached at (800) 334-2177, ext. 283, or e-mail whitney.carnahan@ararental.org.
Rebel Rents in Temecula, Calif., holds a customer appreciation day once every quarter, rotating between the company’s different California locations, but last November’s event in El Cajon had special meaning.
"The store recently underwent a major renovation and expansion, a project that took nearly a year to finish. We wanted to show off the new and improved look," said Mayette Geller, marketing assistant for Rebel Rents.
More than 150 customers attended the three-hour event on Nov. 14, enjoying a barbecue lunch, vendor displays and the chance to meet and greet the company’s sales managers. Vendors included Multiquip, TT Technologies, Bil-Jax, Ditch Witch, Hammerco, Direct Edge and Bosch.
Geller said planning the open house/customer appreciation event took a few months. "For a couple of days during the week before the event, all our territory sales managers from the different stores gathered at the location where we were having the event and made contact with local businesses. They handed out presentation folders including our event flier and personally invited them," she said.
"The store’s team members also worked hard reaching out to the community by making phone calls and faxing the invitations out to businesses that could potentially use our services, as well as to the local governmental offices. We also mailed copies of the invitations with our monthly invoices to our charge customers," she said.
Having the appreciation days helps bring exposure to the business, she said. "The biggest benefit would be that it allows us to strengthen our bonds with our existing customers while recruiting more business and new customers."
Also, Geller said, it offers a chance for the company staff to bond. "It boosts the morale of the location, making everyone feel that they are a part of the team and the big picture. The event allows the store’s team members to meet all the territory sales managers from different locations, as well as many corporate staff members who they would not meet normally."
Besides El Cajon, Rebel Rents has California locations in Temecula, Encinitas, Escondido, Mira Loma, Santa Ana and San Jacinto

Tuesday, January 15, 2008

ARA President's Image Award 2007

Members will be honored for their volunteerism, dedication at The Rental Show
Numerous ARA members will be recognized during The Rental Show for their contributions to the association and the rental industry. Here is a list of the award recipients.

President’s Image Award

This is a store award that celebrates a commitment to improving the rental industry through a remodeling, rebuilding or renovation project. Awards are given during the regional lunches.

Region One — Larry Green, Rentals Unlimited, Stoughton, Mass.
Region Three — George Ghanem, Creative Events and Rentals, Fort Myers, Fla.
Region Four — Ralph Kastner Jr., Tuff Equipment Rentals, Slidell, La.
Region Four — Don O’Neal, Rental One, Granbury, Texas
Region Four — Steve Berner, Rabern Rentals, Amarillo, Texas
Region Five — Bart Nye, Prime Time Party Rental, Dayton, Ohio
Region Six — William Saunders, Bledsoe Rentals, Olathe, Kan.
Region Eight — Sherry Bellet, Bullet Rental and Sales, Klamath Falls, Ore.
Region Nine — Mike Brown, Rebel Rents, El Cajon, Calif.
Region Nine — Mike Hobbick, ComRent West, Pomona, Calif.
Region 10 — Doron Broadfoot, The Rent-It Store, Saskatoon, Saskatchewan, Cana

Tuesday, January 1, 2008

ARA Article - December 2007 CARB Supplement - Ready for compliance

December CARB Supplement 2007 - Ready for compliance

Ready for compliance

BY Connie Lannan

Connie Lannan is marketing manager for the operations division of the American Rental Association, Moline, Ill. She can be reached at (800) 334-2177, ext. 228, or e-mail connie.lannan@ararental.org.

After attending the California Air Resources Board (CARB) workshop in San Diego, Doug Fleury, risk/marketing manager for Rebel Rents in Temecula, Calif., came back to work with the materials he gathered at the workshop and developed his own book consisting of all of the documents, forms and procedures needed for Rebel Rents employees and customers to adhere to the policies.
Fleury shared his book with John McClelland, ARA’s vice president of government affairs, to make sure he had all areas covered. Then he and another colleague met with employees at the company’s nine branch locations to explain how CARB’s Portable Equipment Registration Program (PERP) will impact their stores.
From developing customer reminder stickers and adding message alerts to the rental agreement to having the necessary documents included with each rental unit, creating a spreadsheet that outlines the requirements for each piece of equipment and writing policies and procedures that relate specifically to this issue, Fleury was able to pass the information he learned on to his employees. "[The workshop] certainly helped me define my company policies and procedures," he says.